Archive for the ‘Welcome’ Category


New Direction for Wedding Whirlwind

March 28, 2008

Corpse Bride Looking

(Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride)

Hi to all of our readers! We’re very excited to know that some of our readers extend well beyond family and friends, which makes keeping the blog up even more fun. We’ve gotten some great comments and some really fun emails from people all over! I guess the blogging community really is a “small world”.

Anyway, now that you all know our engagement story, so to speak, and have followed all the installments in the Wedding Whirlwind saga (so far), we are going to take it in a new direction. We won’t be abandoning anything to do with the engagement – because there is still a lot more now that we’re “official” but it’s now time to get into the nitty gritty of planning the wedding.

We hope you stick around for all of that. Also, this weekend we’ll be putting up some much needed photos within posts like “Happy Birthday to the Bridesmaid Emily!” and “Almost Engaged…The Christmas Countdown” to name two.

We also know that a lot of these events took place weeks (or months) ago, but my sweetie and I are both very busy with work, planning, and other happenings (like our weekly wine class that we’re doing till the end of April). We promise to keep everyone posted as much as possible. (We have a whole list of topics and post ideas to come, so we’re crossing them off one by one.)

But, if any of you have any ideas for posts or questions you’d like to read about, leave a comment here (or send us an email – if you know our personal emails, use that, if not, you can find it on About Wedding Whirlwind.)

Until then!

M, J, and S


It’s Also a Blogging Whirlwind…

January 25, 2008

Since we (me mostly) are new to the blogosphere and keeping up with our own blog, it may take me a little bit to get fully used to getting everything put up here.  We already have some ideas for the next couple of posts — I just have to write them first!

We are both so busy right now, but we promise to try to post a little something everyday.  The next post will probably cover the engagement story, or at least leading up to it…

Until then!


Hello World! Welcome to Wedding Whirlwind!

January 23, 2008

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

Hello everyone! Welcome to Wedding Whirlwind — our first blog ever! Since we decided to get engaged, we’re going to keep everyone (as well as us) up to the latest on every aspect of our engagement and wedding planning!

Since we just got engaged on Christmas Day (2007) and have finally set the date to be September 2008, it’s definitely going to be a “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” of an engagement. Who knew there was so much to plan?!

Check back often, and I promise to keep everyone up to date on how things are going, what wedding projects we’re working on, and how our progress is coming.

Be sure to post comments about any ideas you may have!

M, J, and S